
Want to work in a great environment with great people?  We have new opportunities that have opened up here at Twelve.  We are always on the search for not only that new product but that new future alumni staff member who is going to raise the bar for all who follow.  If you are dynamic, versatile and have a passion for what we do send us a letter HERE and tell us all about you, your passions and board stories and why working with us at Twelve is for you.  These positions will fill fast so if this is you or you know anyone who may fit the bill pass it on.

The Team @ Twelve Board Store

We are always looking for incredible people to j=in our Team. Our store is built on exceptional customer service and product knowledge. If you are driven, have loads or personality and passion for snowboarding, skateboarding or longboarding this could be for you. Casual and part-time positions are available. 24 to 38 hours per week based in Richmond. Position available for immediate start, apply below